Feet to Feet

When we drop the monkey mind and let go of judgement, we open ourselves to all manner of possibilities. Free from distraction, we have room for the sensations of presence and insight. For the yoga student, a subtle reference beckons the mind to pause and settle into the body. The student has the presence of mind to access the active and quiet places of the asana.


Feet to Feet: With a partner, lie face up connected at the soles of the feet with heads distal from one another. Both bodies are in one straight line, as in a (mirrored) supine tadasana. With socks off and some maneuvering, gently press your feet into the other student’s feet. You might giggle, but the only talking necessary is done by the feet. Let go of expectations, listen, and explore. Notice the effects when there is minimal pressure between the feet and when the pressure is firmer. To your ability, broaden the feet and lengthen the toes. Notice any changes spontaneously occurring in the fingers. Point and flex the feet in a rhythm with one another. Have one person lead, guiding the other’s feet to slightly internally rotate the femurs, then switch.

  • Draws one out of the head and into the body
  • Reference reveals the quiet parts of the asana within the active parts of the asana
  • Explores energy/sensations in the body while simultaneously interacting with another’s body
  • Shifts the base and perspective
  • Connection is cultivated
  • Practice the same sequence while seated/supported
  • Notice if the feet are taking energetic or passive positions
  • Play around with foot positioning, recognize the effects
  • As is possible, first bring fingers together then apart and observe the sensations; bring toes together then apart and observe the sensations
  • In lieu of feet to feet ~ press hands into partner’s feet, or connect feet into a wall or firm surface